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Plasma-chemical treatment of solid RW

The most efficient technology with the minimum grading requirements is the plasma-chemical treatment technique developed by RADON experts.
The plasma-chemical technology with a liquid slag removal capability enables full thermal decomposition of biologically and chemically hazardous organic and inorganic mixed-type components (paper, carton, crushed glass, polymers, rubber, PVC, parts of ferrous and nonferrous metals). It ensures the smallest possible generation of generated waste, while the end product (slag compound) is extremely resistant to aggressive action and securely immobilizes radioactive substances.

The advantages of the technique:

  • no need for RW to be carefully graded (waste may contain up to 40% of noncombustible components);
  • the end product of desired quality is obtained with no intermediate stages;
  • small inertia of the unit (working mode achieved in 2 to 4 hours, periodic or continuous operations);
  • fully automated and remotely controlled process.

Unit layout

The unit is intended for the plasma-pyrolitic processing of different SRW types, including ion-exchange resins, ash residue and waste of a mixed morphology containing up to 40-50 % of noncombustible components.