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FSUE RАDON activity is focused on management of intermediate and low level radioactive waste (RW) generated in national economy (in science, industry, medicine, agriculture etc.).

The enterprise performs all kinds of works with RW – collecting, transportation, treatment and safe storage, as well as radiation emergency service, radioecological and mercury monitoring. The main direction of the enterprise activity is radiation safety of the Moscow residents. There has been developed a complex automated system of ecological monitoring. FSUE RАDON specialists also carry out radiation control of building sites, radiation dangerous objects and environment, fulfill educational work among the population. Moreover, FSUE RАDON deals with collecting and treatment of radioactive waste from 11 regions of Central Russia. The enterprise takes part in development of general principles and practical models for radiation and ecological safety of the cities. The enterprise specialists are involved as experts in preparation of recommendations within the framework of the IAEA coordination technical programs.

The enterprise deals with improvement and elaboration of up-to-date methods of RW management, as well as environment control and protection systems.